Exhibition History
Grasshopper Productions in Larisa Jewelers
30569 us highway 19, north,Palm Harbor, Fl 34684 current

Lapis Gallery, Denver Colorado, November 2011

Bay Tower Hair Design St. Petersburg Florida 2011

CarrollWood Cutural Center August 1-31 2011, Carrolwood, Florida

Tesa Members Show Park Station Pinellas Park April -May 2011

Bright House Networks Corporate Offices St. Petersburg Florida Ongoing

Moxi Hair Salon March 2010-March 2011

Red Dot Art Fair, Miami FL December 2010

Tampa Artist's Emporium, Tampa Fl 2009-2010

Art and Architecture, Lakeland, Fl September 2009

Glamix at Rat Soap Studios, Tampa, Florida, February 2009

Art Harvest 2008, Dunedin Fl, October 2008

Gates Project 2006, Chicago, IL and SanFransico California, December 2006

ArtQuest 2005, Sandestin, Destin, Florida
May 2005

Home for the Holidays, The Gallery of Art, Panama City, Florida,
November 2003 - January 2003

Internal External, The Gallery of Art, Panama City, Florida,
March- 2002 - May 2002

Art In Common, Brace Commons, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire,
September 1999 - October 1999

Employee Art Exhibition, Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital, Lebanon,
New Hampshire, June 1998 - August 1998

Images From the storage Closet Without a Light, Dirt Cowboy Cafe, Hanover,
New Hampshire, October 1996 - December 1996

Crew Exhibition, Morales Studios, Cerrillos, New Mexico,
June1995 - July1995

Umlaut Senior Thesis Exhibition, College of Santa Fe Fine Arts Gallery, Santa Fe,
New Mexico, April 1995 - May1995


Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Art: College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico,
May 1995 (currently known as the Santa Fe University of Art and Design)

Associations: TESA The Exhibiting Society of Artists Board Member 2011-2012

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